
Are you curious about different 文化 and interested in how we collectively shape each other and our institutions? Our 社会学 and 人类学 degree program will give you a structured way to learn about the social structures people create together, 叫做社会机构. Our program focuses on the relationship between individual choices and social contexts, 并向你介绍不同的文化. 社会学 and 人类学 emphasizes 研究 and experiential learning. In your courses, you'll gather and analyze data about society and culture. Also, prior to graduating, you'll complete an independent social science 研究 project.

我们也非常鼓励出国留学. You can take advantage of our Term III travel classes to Latin America, 南非, 印度, 冰岛, 和东南亚.

What Will I 学习 Through 社会学 and 人类学?

Sociologists investigate social institutions including family, 教育, 经济, 医学, 还有媒体. 人类学 is the broad and inclusive study of human beings. 在mg冰球突破豪华版下载, our degree program focuses especially on cultural anthropology, 同时也介绍了生物人类学, 考古, 和语言学. Both fields prepare you to understand the ways our individual choices are influenced by larger social forces.

Essential to the field of study is learning 研究 methodology and, 作为项目的一部分, you'll be required to take a 研究 and methodology course. 在这个课堂上, each student carries out an original 研究 project that includes interviews, 观察, 人种学野外工作, 或者内容分析. These projects become 研究 papers that you will present to the public and sometimes go on to publish in a national journal.


What Can I Do With A 社会学 and 人类学 Degree?

社会学 and 人类学 majors are prepared for a wide range of careers dealing with people, 文化, 和社区. 学生进入法律行业, 执法, 社会公正工作, 教育, 社会服务, 政治组织, 国际发展, 管理, 研究, 社区发展, 博物馆, 档案工作. Many bring their social scientific training to health fields, 包括公共卫生和公共管理, 或者成为教育者.


You can also compliment a variety of majors and broaden your horizons with a minor in 社会学 or 人类学.

人类学辅修课程 社会学辅修课程

"I’ve been taking a lot of sociology, psychology, and anthropology. Those courses specifically allowed me to broaden my mind. ... 我希望它能使我成为一个全面发展的人, and I will have the ability and diversity to work in any situation with anyone."
——alyvia Dunham, 24岁

Our Office of Admissions can help you take the next steps. 你准备好申请了吗?


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