BS / 项目 with Options

你对成为一名骨科医生感到兴奋吗?? mg冰球突破豪华版下载在伊利湖骨科医学院(LECOM)的早期录取计划简化了成为一名骨科医生的道路. When you enroll in Elmira and LECOM’s dual degree path, your graduate program seat is secured, 这能让你专注于本科学习,而不会有申请医学院或参加MCAT考试的压力. 更重要的是,您可以选择加速的2+4或传统的4+4轨道为您的学术之旅.

“我选择mg冰球突破豪华版下载不仅仅是因为奖学金和经济援助, 而是因为可以直接进入医学院. ... 在mg冰球突破豪华版下载(Elmira)工作,并(与LECOM)有这种联系,让我在不同领域探索和学习."

–Emma Guthrie '26

Preview Biology, BS Courses

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in health care, 研究, 教学, or an advanced degree, 我们的生物学课程将为你打下坚实的学术基础. Before you decide which Biology courses to take, 一定要从学术顾问那里得到建议,这样你就能走上成功的最佳道路.

See Coursework

Dual BS / Degree—Are You Ready?

选择生物学双学位会让你在人群中脱颖而出. 这表明你对自己的职业未来很认真,并决心接受这样一个项目的学术严谨性. 我们提供两种学习方式,这样你就可以有针对性地获得双学位.

  • You’re ready to take on the BS / accelerated program if 你勤奋好学,自我激励,对自己的目标充满信心. 这个独特的六年课程将减少你在大学里花费的时间, 为你省钱,让你更快地开始你的职业生涯. 你将在mg冰球突破豪华版下载度过前两年,完成你的通识教育要求,并参加生物学学士学位课程. In your third year, 你将完成你的学士学位,并开始你的DO工作,同时在mg冰球突破豪华版下载和LECOM双重注册. 您的最后三年将致力于在LECOM获得您的DO.
  • You should keep exploring if 你想花点时间弄清楚你的职业道路是什么. 传统的4+4提前录取项目选项意味着你将在正常的四年内完成mg冰球突破豪华版下载大学的本科学位. Provided you maintain the required GPA and other requirements, 你将在7月份从埃尔迈拉大学毕业后进入LECOM的DO项目. You’ll complete your DO work in four years at LECOM.

Application Requirements

Interested in applying? 查看我们的申请要求,以便您可以利用我们独特的课程.

  • No MCAT or AACOMAS application are required.
  • Maintain a minimum 3.4 overall GPA and 3.3 GPA in Sciences at EC to continue in the program.
  • 欧共体学前保健专业顾问要求进行年度进展审查.
  • 2+4 Track Only:学生在LECOM居住开始时必须年满20岁(第三年).

2+4 BS / Program Admission Requirements

  • US citizen or permanent resident
  • Must not have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher; designed for those entering college as freshmen
  • Minimum high school GPA of 3.7 unweighted
  • Minimum SAT of 1340 or ACT of 28 on a single exam
  • Successful LECOM medical school interview
  • Waived: No MCAT required, no AACOMAS application required
  • 学生必须在他们的LECOM居住(第三年)开始时年满20岁。

4+4 BS / Program Admission Requirements

  • US citizen or permanent resident
  • Must be a rising high school senior, a high school senior, a high school graduate, 或者是少于65个本科学分的大学生
  • Minimum high school GPA of 3.5
  • Minimum SAT of 1240 or ACT of 26 on a single exam
  • Successful LECOM medical school interview
  • Waived: No MCAT required, no AACOMAS application required

Send Us Your Questions ...

EC’s Pre-Health Advisor and Professor of Biology, Dr. 林恩侍从, can answer your questions about advising, choosing an academic path, curriculum requirements, and other academic-related questions at (607) 735-1859 or

如果您对申请过程有其他问题, financial aid, or our dual-degree program, get in touch with one of our Admissions counselors. They’ll be happy to assist!

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